Monday, October 26, 2020

Baby Bear's Spaghetti Misadventures


Inside the Book

Baby Bear's Spaghetti Misadventure

Title: Baby Bear’s Spaghetti Misadventures
Author: Linda Karimo
Publisher: Independent
Pages: 42
Genre: Children’s Picture Book


Meet Mama Bear and her sweet little bear child, Baby Bear.

Sometimes he doesn’t do what Mama Bear says, sound familiar?

This one particular day when Mama Bear was cooking spaghetti and meatballs, Baby

Bear bounced his ball against the cave wall.

Baby Bear knew it was on the forbidden list.

He did it anyway.

Mama Bear gave him the look.

He did it again.

Find out what happened to Mama Bear’s spaghetti dinner and naughty Baby Bear.


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Meet The Author

Linda Karimo

Back in the Stone Age, well maybe not that far back…

When Linda Karimo was very young, she learned to read at the knee of her Irish immigrant grandmother. Nannie, as she was known to the family, was just learning English herself.

They read all the classic children’s stories together. There was one in particular that became the inspiration for Linda’s current series of children’s books.

Moving forward, Linda was always a ravenous reader. She would often read all the books by a given author and then go onto yet another great fiction author. Espionage, legal, medical, suspense, and some “who done it” were her game.

Her day job as a Copywriter paid the bills while she dreamed of writing an extraordinary series of children’s books.

So, what childhood story prompted Linda to write a series about those characters?

It was Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Linda’s nickname was always Goldilocks.

She transports her readers into the world of bears whose lives are not much different than humans, just bear style.

She has a conversational style of writing and wants her readers to feel a part of the action taking place, not just looking through the window watching it all going by.

A Lifetime full of love and compassion!










My Review
Baby Bear's Spaghetti Misadventures was a simply adorable book that reminded me a lot of certain situation I have been in with children. I loved the cute pictures and this is a book that would be a lot of fun to read to a young child! Overall, this was a super cute book!

Sunday, October 25, 2020

IN THE NICK OF TIME by Deedee Cummings

 IN THE NICK OF TIME by Deedee Cummings

Book Details:

Book Title: In the Nick of Time by Deedee Cummings/illustrated by Charlene Mosley
Category:  Children's Fiction (Ages 3-7), 28 pages
Genre:  Children/ Holiday
Publisher:  Make A Way Media
Release date:  November 2019
Content Rating: G. Children's Holiday Book.
Book Description:

A Timely Tale about a Little Brown Boy who Saves Christmas. Nick Saint never really put a lot of thought into his name until one snowy day in December when he accidentally receives a letter meant for Saint Nick. Realizing there is not much time left until Christmas, Nick opens the letter. The unexpected message inside ultimately leads him on a journey of understanding poverty, gratitude, and service to others while discovering the real meaning of the holiday spirit.
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You May Also Want to Review:
THIS IS THE EARTH by Deedee Cummings
Book Details:

Book Title: This Is The Earth by Deedee Cummings/illustrated by Charlene Mosley
Category:  Children's Fiction (Ages 3-7), 32 pages
Genre:  Children/ Holiday
Publisher:  Make A Way Media
Release date:  April 2019
Format available for review:  print (USA and Canada), ebook (PDF)
Tour dates:  Oct 12 to Dec 4, 2020
Content Rating: G. Children's Holiday Book.
Book Description:

A recent Purple Dragonfly Award First Place winner, Cummings uses bold and bright illustrations in This is the Earth to share a message of peace, love, respect, compassion, inclusion. Published in early 2019, the book’s message bears repeating: peace is meant for all of us and it is everyone’s responsibility to care for each other like the united family that we really are. This exceptional and timely book shares the reality that we are all sharing this world that we call home instead of acting as though each continent, each, country, and each neighborhood is like a completely different planet. Within the pages of This is the Earth, readers will discover thought and conversation-invoking concepts on issues and struggles that has our world at odds with each other. Kids and adults will love the lyrical message and thoughtful artwork that reinforces the fact that every human being is our neighbor on Planet Earth; a place also known as Home.
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Children's Author Deedee Cummings
Meet the Author:

Deirdre “Deedee” Cummings believes literacy is a fundamental human right. She is the founder of Make A Way Media, It Pays to Read & the Louisville Book Festival, as well as, an attorney, therapist, and CEO of Abi Behavioral Health in Louisville, Kentucky. Abi is an intensive therapy agency that works to prevent the placement of children in out of home care, such as foster care, hospitalization, and incarceration. Deedee attended Bennett College in Greensboro, North Carolina, one of only two all-female Historically Black Colleges in the country. After graduating from Bennett, she earned a master’s degree and a law degree from the University of Louisville. All of her writing focuses on sharing inspiring messages that remind us all it is never too late to begin again. Deedee encourages the children she works with to write as a way to process emotions, document their journey, and express themselves more clearly. In addition to presenting on multiple topics around the country, Deedee donates hundreds of books and volunteer hours every year to families, children, churches and the local school system. She is excited to announce the launch of her tenth children’s book, This is the Earth. The inspiration for this book came from overwhelming negative media coverage about race relations in our country and across the world. This is the Earth is a book about peace, respect, and diversity inclusion: a message that must be heard and repeated often. She and her husband Anthony live in Louisville with their three children Kayla (an actress in New York), Anthony (a college student and athlete), and Nick (in elementary school).

connect with the author:  website  ~ make a way media  ~ twitter  ~ twitter  ~  facebook  ~  facebook ~ pinterest ~ instagram ~ instagram ~ goodreads

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Silence of Islands — Poems by W.M. Raebeck

 Silence of Islands by WM Raebeck

Book Details:

Book Title:  Silence of Islands — Poems by W.M. Raebeck
Category:  Adult Non-Fiction (18 +),  170 pages
Genre:  Poetry
Publisher:  Hula Cat Press
Release date:   July 2020
Format available for review:  print, mobi (for Kindle), Gifted Kindle, PDF
Will send print books out:  USA
Tour dates: October 12 to October 23, 2020
Content Rating:  G. this book of poems is 'grown-up' but nothing violent, explicit, illegal, profane or hardcore.
Book Description:

Poetry for the summer day, poetry for the dark night. Poems that cut a walkable trail through the forest of life. Always with a nudge and a wink, “It’ll be okay.” This collection reflects a lifetime of nature, love, travel, death, joy, art, family, and the eternal questions. A potion of emotion to soothe and move you.
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Author W.M. Raebeck
Meet the Author:

W. M. Raebeck's trademarks are humorous candor, spiritual stretching, and frequent exits from the comfort zone. She lives in Hawaii, with regular Mainland visits. Her 5 books to date are true-life accounts, from the misadventures of a sugar-freak hippie chick ('I Did Inhale'), to 20 stories about art, Hollywood, and spirits ('Stars in Our Eyes'), to trekking through the Costa Rican rainforest ('Expedition Costa Rica'), to teaching yoga in Santa Monica ('Some Swamis are Fat'),* and now her poetry collection, 'Silence of Islands.' Before authoring, Raebeck was a film and television actress based in LA, London, and NYC. She went on to freelance journalism, contributing to the then-alternative world of green politics, environmental protection, U.S. involvement in Central American wars, socially conscious investing, and much more. Her articles were always accompanied by her own photography, including numerous cover stories for the LA Weekly and other papers like the East Hampton Star from her former hometown. In Raebeck's personal life, yoga and natural health (sugar notwithstanding) remain institutions. As is maintaining a zero-waste household. Animal rights and environmental activism are lifelong commitments, including all-too-frequent bird rescue. W. M. Raebeck's books are available in print and ebook worldwide, and can be ordered from any book store or library. Audio editions are in the works! For additional info, or to join the email list, visit Her next book, 'Nicaragua Story—Back Roads of the Contra War,' takes a hard look at a people's war, and will be out in 2021. * 'Some Swamis are Fat' is under the pen-name Ava Greene.

connect with the author:    website   ~   facebook  ~  pinterest  ~  goodreads

My Review
Silence of Islands — Poems by W.M. Raebeck made for a relaxing read. I liked that this collection was designed for adults, yet it lacked any violent, explicit, illegal, profane or hardcore elements. I found that I enjoyed cracking open this book to read a poem or two before bed as it helped me to relax and unwind for bed and gave me something peaceful to think about,

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

My Lions' Den


Inside the Book

My Lions Den

Author: E.M. Power
Publisher: Spotlight on Souls Publishing Group
Pages: 95
Genre: Nonfiction Autobiographical / Religious


This is my personal story of my trial with Domestic Abuse.  This book was not intended to sensationalize Domestic Abuse.  It is not to portray my abuser in a bad light or as an enemy.  Abuse has no prejudices.  Abuse may occur no matter a person’s religion, non-religion, race, economic income level, profession, culture, gender, or age.  Abuse may happen at any time and to anyone.  Yes, that means you too.  If you think you would never be the victim of abuse, you risk being gravely mistaken (pun intended).  Domestic Abuse may take place within any relationship type.  There is no formula, medicine, vaccine, proven theory, amount of therapy, answer or cure.  The abuser is not always someone that had ever been a victim themselves.  The abuser is not always someone that has witnessed violence or abuse.  By sharing my personal story, I hope to give you a better understanding of abuse in order to prevent this life trial to be your story too.


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Meet The Author

E.M. Power

E. M. (Eva Marie) Power, was born and lived for the first nine-years of her life on the Island of Guam.  She was adopted at birth and raised by a single Guamanian woman, Alfonsina Manyanona Duenas from the Southern Village of Talofofo, Guam.  E. M. (Eva Marie) Power moved stateside to Southern California at the age of nine and it is where she currently resides.  She is the mother of six children and the grandmother of four.  Just like she describes in this book, if ever in a Lions’ Den (life trial) she will always choose Faith! 






My Review

So first off My Lions' Den is a book that should only be read by adults or very mature young adults due to the content. That aside I found the book to be an interesting read from a psychological perspective. As a graduate psychology student I have read about abuse before, but the articles and case studies talk about the emotional impact, but in a very clinical fashion. The way the author talked about it felt much more real and in turn helped me to understand more about abuse.

Monday, October 19, 2020

A Perfect Storm


Inside the Book

A Perfect Storm

Author: Mike Martin
Publisher: Ottawa Press and Publishing
Pages: 264
Genre: Mystery


Sgt. Windflower is back, untangling another swirling mystery, this one bringing the meth crisis and biker gangs to the quiet Newfoundland town of Grand Bank, feeling the sting of their deadly tentacles reaching all the way from Las Vegas.  He’s working with his familiar crew of RCMP characters – but wait, are some of the faces changing? New challenges for Jones, an unknown side of Smithson reveals itself, and what ever happened to Tizzard?  In the midst of putting the pieces of the puzzle together, Windflower and his beloved Sheila also find themselves navigating sorrows and surprises on the family front.

Come back to Grand Bank for more fun, food and cool, clean, Canadian crime fiction with Sgt. Windflower Mysteries.


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Meet The Author

Mike Martin

Mike Martin was born in St. John’s, NL on the east coast of Canada and now lives and works in Ottawa, Ontario. He is a long-time freelance writer and his articles and essays have appeared in newspapers, magazines and online across Canada as well as in the United States and New Zealand. He is the author of Change the Things You Can: Dealing with Difficult People and has written a number of short stories that have been published in various publications across North America.

The Walker on the Cape was his first full fiction book and the premiere of the Sgt. Windflower Mystery Series. Other books in the series include The Body on the T, Beneath the Surface, A Twist of Fortune, and A Long Ways from Home, followed by A Tangled Web, which was shortlisted for the 2017 Bony Blithe Light Mystery Award as the best light mystery of the year, and Darkest Before the Dawn, which won the 2018 Bony Blithe Light Mystery Award. Fire, Fog and Water was the eighth in the series. He has also published Christmas in Newfoundland: Memories and Mysteries, a Sgt. Windflower Book of Christmas past and present.

He is Past Chair of the Board of Crime Writers of Canada, a national organization promoting Canadian crime and mystery writers and a member of the Newfoundland Writing Guild and Ottawa Independent Writers.

A Perfect Storm is the latest book in the Sgt. Windflower Mystery series.






My Review

This is far from the first Sgt. Windflower mystery I've read, yet it has quickly become my new favorite. I liked how the book is kept clean without the gore that most mystery books have. I also like that I am able to recognize characters and that the author has developed them from book to book, yet each book can be read by itself without too much confusion!

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Misleading A Duke


Inside the Book

Misleading A Duke

Author: A.S. Fenichel
Publisher: Kensington/Lyrical Press
Pages: 304
Genre: Historical Romance


Finishing school failed to turn them into proper society ladies. Now these four friends vow to remain single until they find suitors worthy of their love and devotion…

Betrothed to a man she has barely met, Lady Faith Landon calls upon her three best friends—the self-proclaimed Wallflowers of West Lane—to help uncover the secrets of her mysterious fiancĂ©. Her suspicions are aroused when she learns that he has recently returned from France. Is he a traitor to his country? The truth is quite the opposite. Nicholas Ellsworth, Duke of Breckenridge, is a secret agent for the English Crown who has just completed a risky mission to infiltrate Napoleon’s spy network.

After his adventures, Nicholas craves the peace and quiet of the country and settling into domestic bliss with his bride. Until he discovers Faith’s deceptive investigation. How can he wed a woman who doesn’t trust him? But a powerful spark has ignited between Nicholas and Faith that could bring about a change of heart. Faith seizes her second chance to prove to Nicholas that they are a true love match but his past catches up with them when three French spies come to exact revenge. Surviving rather than wooing has become the order of the day.

Praise for Misleading A Duke

Fenichel’s high-octane second Wallflowers of West Lane Regency romance (after The Earl Not Taken) follows a reluctantly betrothed couple as dire circumstances help them to see past their bad first impression. Lady Faith Landon earns the ire of her fiancĂ©, Nicholas Ellsworth, the Duke of Breckenridge and a spy for the English government, when she and her friends snoop into his past. Faith hopes to explain that she was anxious and trying to learn more about him before their wedding day, but she needs the help of Nick’s friend and fellow spy Geb Arafa to convince him to hear her out. Geb requests Nick meet him at his hunting lodge, Parvus Castle, to discuss an urgent matter that Nick assumes to be of national importance. But when Nick arrives, he finds Faith waiting to plead her case. Her explanation is interrupted when French spies invade Parvus, take both captive, and torture Nick for information about the movement of English troops. Imprisoned together, Nick and Faith form an unshakable bond as Faith tends to Nick’s wounds and Nick witnesses her kindness and unflinching bravery. Fenichel juxtaposes the mannered world of Regency aristocracy with the gritty, life-or-death situation of Nick and Faith’s captivity to excellent effect. This immersive, fast-paced novel will have readers on the edges of their seats.

–Publishers Weekly


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Meet The Author

A.S. Fenichel

A.S. Fenichel gave up a successful career in New York City to follow her husband to Texas and pursue her lifelong dream of being a professional writer. She’s never looked back.

A.S. adores writing stories filled with love, passion, desire, magic and maybe a little mayhem tossed in for good measure. Books have always been her perfect escape and she still relishes diving into one and staying up all night to finish a good story.

Multi-published in historical, paranormal, erotic and contemporary romance, A.S. is the author of the several series, including Forever Brides, Everton Domestic Society, Wallflowers of West Lane and more. Strong, empowered heroines from Regency London to modern-day New Orleans are what really excites A.S., and that’s what you’ll find in all her books.

A Jersey Girl at heart, she now makes her home in Southern Missouri with her real-life hero, her wonderful husband. When not reading or writing, she enjoys cooking, travel, history, puttering in her garden and spoiling her fussy cat.





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My Review
Misleading A Duke took me on quite the ride as at first I was thinking it was just a romance novel, but that when 
Nicholas Ellsworth became uncovered things started to get interesting. I really liked how the book had mystery, romance, and thrills all wrapped together while staying true to the time period.

Thursday, October 8, 2020


 WHAT'S NOT SAID by Valerie Taylor

What's Not Said by Valerie Taylor

Book Details:

Book Title:  What's Not Said by Valerie Taylor
Category:  Adult Fiction (18 yrs +),  316 pages
Genre: Women's Fiction, Chick Lit
Publisher:  She Writes Press
Release date:   Sept 15, 2020
Content Rating:  PG-13 + M. WHAT'S NOT SAID is rated PG-13+M because of four F-words, moderate cussing, two explicit sex scenes, and a couple of implicit sex scenes.
Book Description:

In WHAT'S NOT SAID, we meet Kassie O’Callaghan, a middle-aged woman who’s on a mission to divorce her emotionally abusive husband and start a new life with a younger man she met while on a solo vacation in Venice. When she learns her husband has chronic kidney disease, her plans collapse until she pokes around his pajama drawer and discovers his illness is the least of his deceits. Then again, Kassie is no angel. As she struggles to justify her own indiscretions, the separate lives they lead collide head-on into a tangled web of sex, lies, and DNA. Still, mindful of her vows, Kassie commits to helping her husband find an organ donor. In the process, she uncovers a life-changing secret. Problem is, if she reveals it, her own immorality will be exposed, forcing her to decide whose life to save—her husband’s or her own.

WHAT'S NOT SAID (She Writes Press) is Valerie Taylor's debut novel. Its sequel, WHAT'S NOT TRUE (She Writes Press), will be published in the fall of 2021. While WHAT'S NOT SAID is the first installment of a series, it is written and can be read as a stand-alone novel.

 Pre-Order the Book:
(Release Date: Sep 15, 2020)
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Author Valerie Taylor
Meet the Author:

Valerie Taylor was born and raised in Stamford, Connecticut. She earned a B.S. Marketing degree and an MBA from Sacred Heart University, as well as a graduate certificate in health care administration from Simmons University (formerly Simmons College). She had a thirty-year career in the financial services industry as a marketer and writer. After her divorce, she spread her wings and relocated her career to Boston and then to Seattle. When she retired, she resettled in her home state to be near her two grown children and granddaughter. She’s a published book reviewer with; and a member of Westport Writers’ Workshop, Independent Book Publishers Association, and Women’s Fiction Writers Association. She enjoys practicing tai chi and being an expert sports spectator. WHAT'S NOT SAID (She Writes Press) is her debut novel. Its sequel, WHAT'S NOT TRUE (She Writes Press), will be published in the fall of 2021.

connect with the author: website twitter facebook instagram goodreads

WHAT’S NOT SAID by Valerie Taylor

 What's Not Said by Valerie Taylor

Book Details:

Book Title:  What's Not Said by Valerie Taylor
Category:  Adult Fiction (18 yrs +),  316 pages
Genre: Women's Fiction, Chick Lit
Publisher:  She Writes Press
Release date:   Sept 15, 2020
Format available for review:  print, and NetGalley Download (mobi for kindle, epub, pdf)
Will send print books out:  USA
Tour dates: Sep 28 to Oct 16, 2020
Content Rating:  PG-13 + M. WHAT'S NOT SAID is rated PG-13+M because of four F-words, moderate cussing, two explicit sex scenes, and a couple of implicit sex scenes.

Chosen one of the Top 3 Best Fiction Books of 2020
by Canadian Book Clubs.

Book Description:

In WHAT'S NOT SAID, we meet Kassie O’Callaghan, a middle-aged woman who’s on a mission to divorce her emotionally abusive husband and start a new life with a younger man she met while on a solo vacation in Venice. When she learns her husband has chronic kidney disease, her plans collapse until she pokes around his pajama drawer and discovers his illness is the least of his deceits. Then again, Kassie is no angel. As she struggles to justify her own indiscretions, the separate lives they lead collide head-on into a tangled web of sex, lies, and DNA. Still, mindful of her vows, Kassie commits to helping her husband find an organ donor. In the process, she uncovers a life-changing secret. Problem is, if she reveals it, her own immorality will be exposed, forcing her to decide whose life to save—her husband’s or her own.

WHAT'S NOT SAID (She Writes Press) is Valerie Taylor's debut novel. Its sequel, WHAT'S NOT TRUE (She Writes Press), will be published in the fall of 2021. While WHAT'S NOT SAID is the first installment of a series, it is written and can be read as a stand-alone novel.

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Author Valerie Taylor
Meet the Author:

Valerie Taylor was born and raised in Stamford, Connecticut. She earned a B.S. Marketing degree and an MBA from Sacred Heart University, as well as a graduate certificate in health care administration from Simmons University (formerly Simmons College). She had a thirty-year career in the financial services industry as a marketer and writer. After her divorce, she spread her wings and relocated her career to Boston and then to Seattle. When she retired, she resettled in her home state to be near her two grown children and granddaughter. She’s a published book reviewer with; and a member of Westport Writers’ Workshop, Independent Book Publishers Association, and Women’s Fiction Writers Association. She enjoys practicing tai chi and being an expert sports spectator. WHAT'S NOT SAID (She Writes Press) is her debut novel. Its sequel, WHAT'S NOT TRUE (She Writes Press), will be published in the fall of 2021.

connect with the author: website ~ twitter ~ facebook ~ instagram ~ goodreads

Monday, October 5, 2020


 PLANT YOUR MONEY TREE by Michele Schneider

GROW YOUR MONEY TREE by Michele Schneider

Book Details:

Book Title:  Plant Your Money Tree: A Guide to Growing Your Wealth by Michele Schneider
Category:  Adult Non-Fiction (18+) ,  272 pages
Genre: Personal Finance, Stock Investing, Retirement
Publisher:  Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Release date:   May 8, 2019

Content Rating:  This non-fiction, self-help book is rated G.
Book Description:

Plant Your Money Tree: A Guide to Growing Your Wealth was named 'Best New Wealth Books' by BookAuthority. On Amazon, it enjoyed the #1 New Release spot in three Amazon categories: Introduction to Investing, Business & Finance, and Retirement Planning.
Plant Your Money Tree offers readers a strategic and actionable way to look at their financial life with a completely new attitude of confidence, empowering them to make smart decisions regarding:
  • What to do with their money
  • How to grow their money
  • When to make smart personal choices such as changing careers, guiding their kid's education, expanding their business, buying a house, putting money in a savings account, capitalizing on social trends and investing in the future
  • How to manage their existing portfolios and 401Ks
In clear and accessible language, Mish Schneider walks the reader through the six most essential sectors of the U.S. economy as seen through six market phases ---bullish, caution, distribution, bearish, recuperation, and accumulation. She illustrates how to easily recognize these phases, understand their interrelationships and explains to readers why they should care. Using a personal and conversational tone, Mish's goal is to help anyone who believes the topic of the economy and growing wealth is beyond their comprehension by giving them the tools to make independent, informed decisions about their money. With that knowledge, readers will gain insight plus have practical, smart options for what to do with their finances.

Mish holds the readers' hands every step of the way with her welcoming and easy to understand language. Schneider does not endorse passive or buy-and-hold type investing. Rather, she teaches readers an evergreen methodology that adapts to every market scenario.
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Author Michele Schneider
Meet the Author:

A former special education teacher, Michele "Mish" Schneider was one of the first female floor traders on Wall Street. Today she serves as Director of Trading Research and Education at, a 20 year industry-leading financial publishing company.

With Plant Your Money Tree, Mish combines her love of teaching with her world-class expertise in finance and investing. When she's not changing lives through education, Mish spends her time exploring Sante Fe, New Mexico with her husband (and fellow trader) Keith.

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