Inside the Book
Author: Laura Evans Serna
Publisher: New Land Publishing
Pages: 219
Genre: Sci-Fi Romance
For generations the Ahn, Voyan, and Humans have thrived living side
by side. The ambitious Ahn need solitude. The communal Voyan thought
share and hear the voices of the sacred dead around them. Now Humans
are becoming more like the Ahn, and the Voyan are struggling.Author: Laura Evans Serna
Publisher: New Land Publishing
Pages: 219
Genre: Sci-Fi Romance
Teagan is a single Voyan mother and wet nurse. She lost the ability to thought share. Though she spends hours walking in the desert searching for the voices she once heard, she embraces her new found intellectual focus and is drawn into the Human world of Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Teagan plans to go into hiding to avoid being forced back to a Voyan community where her daughter would be an outcast. However she meets Josh, a generous and handsome man who understands her better than anyone. She loves him, and Josh takes an active role in parenting Teagan’s daughter.
Teagan discovers that her behavior is more Human than Voyan because she has been unknowingly medicated. She is part of a secret and manipulative eugenics program designed by Josh’s best friend. Teagan questions her faith in Josh while needing him in her life more than ever. Once off the medication, Teagan loses her focus, and her dream of helping her people through research slips away.
Teagan is kidnapped by the Voyan and put into a lucid trance for months. During this time she feels the desperation of her people. But Teagan hears the call of the Kokopelli’s flute. She knows she is called for a purpose, and she escapes back to Human society. At this point, though, Teagan can no longer speak verbally. She asks the Ahn to continue providing her the medication so she can live as a Human and stay with her daughter and Josh. She knows she is called to help her people.
Desert Melody is available for purchase at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Meet the Author
As a teenager Laura would lie on her concrete driveway with her siblings and friends, watching Hale Bopp slowly cross the sky. She discussed science and theology with no reservation. What are the laws of physics, and where did they come from? What do they mean? Where do humans fit into all of this? What binds society together? Laura believes that these are the questions that make us human. They don’t belong to the scientists, philosophers, or theologians. Everyone has a right to make them their own.
Laura started her undergraduate degree in Chemistry at the University of New Mexico. At the time, she was tired of Albuquerque. Until she left she didn’t appreciate the unique mix of cultures or the abundance of intellectual activity of her home town. She married a man in the Air Force and followed him to Colorado, where she spent her time teaching English with Catholic Charities and finishing up a degree in math at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Next Laura moved to the UK where she had the opportunity to study at the University of Oxford. She earned an MSc in Mathematical Modelling while pregnant and experiencing motherhood for the first time. (It was a struggle, to be sure!) Laura found Oxford to be a fantastic, walkable city perfect for pushing a newborn around in a pram. Although they only spent three years in Oxford, she will always feel as if it is a home of sorts for them.
Laura spent periods of time teaching math and doing technical editing, but motherhood suits her more than any other hat she’s worn. Her three daughters are a constant joy. She has come to the conclusion that the world over needs more, not less, of the maternal touch, and she wants to write stories featuring strong, intelligent mothers.
You can visit her website at
My Review
Desert Melody was an interesting science fiction book because unlike most books that main character was not human. There are three main races in this book they are the Ahn, Voyan, and Human. The Ahn are an ambitious people who need solitude and the Voyan are a communal people who thought share and hear the voices of the sacred dead around them. The Voyan relied on the humans, but the humans have begun to become more like the Ahn, which has put the Voyan race in jeopardy.
Teagan is a Voyan is a single mother who has lost her ability to thought share. This loss drives her away from her people and instead towards humanity where she find Josh and finds that she is behaving more like a human than a Voyan.
Teagan is a well written character that the author develops over the course of the book in a realistic manner. I found the sacrifices that Teagan was made for her child to be heart warming and I loved her caring nature. I was very upset when I learned that she was being drugged with out her knowledge as part of an experiment.
Overall, I really enjoyed reading about Teagan and her struggles to find her place in life.
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