Guest Interview with Ghost Owl Author Nancy Schoellkopf
What genre do you write?
I like to write quirky stories with a spiritual bent that don’t fit neatly into the usual categorieslike romance, mystery or sci fi. When pressed, I’ve taken to calling them magical realism.
How did you become interested in writing these quirky stories?
I’ve always enjoyed fairy tales, mythology, and the stories of indigenous peoples. When I wasgrowing up in Catholic school, the nuns used to read to us from Lives of the Saints. I was
enthralled with those old tales supposedly about real, historical people who had wild
miraculous powers. And they told us they were true! I loved that.
Are there novels in this genre that have influenced you?
I love the novels of Sue Monk Kidd. Her stories are rich with ritual and symbolism. MargaretAtwood’s Maddadam Trilogy is a fascinating story of a dystopian future tinged with hope that
something completely new is being created. And in Bel Canto, Ann Patchett creates a small
paradoxically magical space right in the middle of an intense hostage stand-off. It’s amazing
and beautiful. Still I have to point out that it’s likely none of these books would be labeled as
magical realism, but they struck me that way.
Is there a specific ritualistic thing you do during your writing time?
I don’t really have any rituals like that, but I do think of my writing as a practice. Musicians doscales, baseball players do batting practice, and we writers need to sit down, keep our hands
moving and fill the page with stuff. A daily practice has helped me develop flow, so when it’s
time to write, my characters may spring to life and guide me. Otherwise, I’m just sitting here
writing about writing.
What’s your next project?
My next project is to update my website! But I also have an idea for an anthology of essays andpoems on how to keep an open heart during crazy times. Watch for a call for material.

Book Title: Ghost Owl by Nancy Schoellkopf
Category: Adult Fiction, 181 pages
Genre: Literary / Women's Fiction with magical realism
Publisher: Butterfly Tree Publishing
Release date: October 2017
Format available for review: Print and ebook (PDF)
Will send print books to: USA & Canada
Tour dates: Nov 20 to Dec 8, 2017
Content Rating: PG-13 (There are a few non-explicit sex scenes)
Book Description:
Ghost Owl is a magical story of discovery, as a young woman seeks to understand her potential and confront her own shadow. Mariah Easter wakes up in the middle of the night to discover the world is as bright as noon—but for her eyes only. Urged by her godfather, she embarks on a mission to peer into the dark spaces normally hidden from view, leading her to confront the sinister nature of power, the vulnerability of the ill, and the hidden life of a homeless man: a journey that will bring healing to herself and the man she loves.
This compelling and inspirational tale, the third installment of the Avian Series, invites the reader to ponder the extraordinary treasures hidden in the ordinary events of daily life.
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Meet the Author:
Nancy Schoellkopf is the author of the Avian Series of novels including Yellow-Billed Magpie and Red-Tailed Hawk, as well as the short story collection Rover and Other Magical Tales. She has been telling stories and writing poems for many lifetimes. It goes without saying that she’s needed a second income, so this time around she happily taught amazing children in special education classes in two urban school districts in Sacramento, California. A full time writer now, she enjoys lavishing attention on her cats, her garden and her intriguing circle of family and friends.
Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Pinterest ~ Instagram
Nancy Schoellkopf is the author of the Avian Series of novels including Yellow-Billed Magpie and Red-Tailed Hawk, as well as the short story collection Rover and Other Magical Tales. She has been telling stories and writing poems for many lifetimes. It goes without saying that she’s needed a second income, so this time around she happily taught amazing children in special education classes in two urban school districts in Sacramento, California. A full time writer now, she enjoys lavishing attention on her cats, her garden and her intriguing circle of family and friends.
Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Pinterest ~ Instagram
MY Review
Ghost Owl by Nancy Schoellkopf was a well-written book that I simply had to read after how much I enjoyed reading the previous books in the Avian series. Yellow-Billed Magpie and Red-Tailed Hawk were both great books that made Ghost Owl by Nancy Schoellkopf a must read for me. I greatly enjoyed how the story line was both similar and different from the previous books. It was easy to find myself liking Mariah Easter as she set out to discover more about herself and her power. Overall, I hope the author decides to expand the series!
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