We're happy to have with us today R. E. Sheahan, author of STORM OF ARRANON! R.E. is on a virtual book tour this month and is giving away paperback copies of Book Two: Storm of Arranon: Fire and Ice and Book Three: Storm of Arranon: Allies and Enemies. Enter below!
About the Book:
Storm of Arranon
Author: R. E. Sheahan
Publisher: Rule of Three Press
Pages: 300
Genre: YA Science Fiction/Fantasy
forbidden birth. A remarkable young woman. A marauding alien society. The
battle begins.
brutal alien society invades Korin and Arranon, intent on destroying the two
worlds that make up Cadet Erynn Yager's home. Forced to expose her strange
abilities and reveal her forbidden birth, a guarded web of secrets unravels.
on an unfamiliar planet of eternal winter and predatory wildlife, the
mysterious living consciousness of Arranon intervenes, leading Erynn on a
mystical journey.
of Erynn's potential, the alien enemy pursues her. She struggles to gain
control of her growing powers while in a constant race to elude the invaders,
and join the forces preparing to fight a mounting occupation.
secret may be her worlds' only hope, but at the cost of her life. Swept up
in a chain reaction of events, Erynn's dedication extends far beyond
service and duty. She learns the true meaning of sacrifice.
with courage and hope, Erynn finds something unexpected on her journey of
awareness and growth.
For More
- Storm of Arranon is available
at Amazon.
- Discuss this book at PUYB
Virtual Book Club at Goodreads.
Book Excerpt:
OF BLUE STATIC POPPED and snapped around Lieutenant Erynn Yager’s fingers as
she tapped the keypad. Black numbers and symbols streamed across the white
screen of her monitor. She glanced up, checking the equation on the large
overhead at the front of the cramped classroom and smiled, her answer correct.
Delicate blue
currents reached out and wrapped around her hands with a faint tingling sensation.
In a breath Erynn whispered, “Com avlash.” She brushed at dappled
shadows that danced across the pool of sunlight at the edge of her desk, amused
by the wispy blue filaments tracing her movements. They flowed like a lazy
stream, trailing the path her fingertips traveled before the energy faded. As
the static disappeared, she glanced around to make sure no one noticed.
No one ever had.
The buzz of winged centinents
drifted in on a warm breeze through the open window next to her. She sighed and
fingered the neck of her white uniform shirt, the stiff collar tight and
irritating in the rising temperature.
From the front of
the classroom the instructor, Major Kendal, his tan uniform meticulous, asked,
“Does anyone need more time?” He scanned faces in the room. No one responded
and he continued, “I trust you took into account gravitational pull, divided by
trajectory angles, while factoring in speed given mass and friction before
multiplying . . ..”
Erynn tried to
listen, but his incessant droning soon matched the hum from
Static crackled, and
the air thickened with a sinking heaviness. The temperature plunged to an icy
cold, chilling her moist skin. A sweet, spicy aroma replaced the electronic
scent of computers and sour sweat of bodies pressed into a tight space for too
long. She glanced out the window and frowned. What—
Broad yellow,
orange, and red leaves trembled in the breeze. Brown stone buildings melded
with the blue sky and manicured green lawns. The colors ran, blurred, and
morphed into dark oily shapes with faint outlines of long arms and legs. She
stiffened and squeezed her eyes shut. Images played in her mind like a silent vid
in fast-forward.
brilliant jeweled city nestled in a deep green forest. Flash—majestic
spires of trees surrounding a clearing, the woods tossed in a violent
windstorm. Flash—mountain peaks covered by snow and ice.
More impressions
swirled and sped by, eclipsing her thoughts, taking control.
Bright pinpoints of
red and orange exploded, swarming under her closed lids. The high-pitched sound
of a hundred musical instruments in discord screamed in her mind. The syrupy
aroma intensified. She caught two words through the cacophony—a plea, and a
Her chest
constricted, unable to expand.
Help. Death.
The meaning of these
two words, in a language she’d made up as a child, took her breath. She pushed
recognition away, refusing the insistent vision that pried at the corners of
her mind seeking purchase.
The word slithered across
her nerves like a dry whisper.
Heart thudding, her
lids flew open. At the periphery of her vision, the sparkling colors blinked
out, and the heavy atmosphere in the room lifted. Erynn’s ears popped and the
shrieking voices died, sudden quiet making her believe the shrill proclamation
left her deaf. She jumped up, chair legs screeching backward on polished tile
as the desk banged into the seat in front of her. “No!” Her shout rang out in
the small, quiet room.
Floor heaving like
rolling waves, she leaned against the desk on unsteady legs. Startled students
in her weapons-and-tactics class stared at her, most of them shaking their
heads and smirking. Ridicule and resentment came as a barrage of stinging barbs
digging under her skin. Concentrated emotions of pity, anger, concern, scorn,
disgust and envy bombarded against her attempt to focus, to gain control.
In a practiced
technique, Erynn envisioned a wide tunnel of white brightness spiraling into a
tiny point of light. This method narrowed her exposure to the emotions of
others. The reactions assailing her all but disappeared. She hissed quick
breaths through clamped teeth and the nauseating sensation of motion stopped.
About the Author
have always been a reader. I love books. When I’m not able to read, I listen to
audio books. I started writing while working as a Paramedic/Firefighter in Northern
California. Trust me, it’s not like it appears on TV. There was
plenty of time for books, mostly reading them. I didn't seriously start
writing until I moved to my ranch in Oregon.
While waiting for lambs to be born in the middle of the night, I would head
back to the house for an hour or two and sit down at the computer. Before I
knew it, I had a manuscript. Not a good one, but a start.I joined critique
groups and attended writer's conferences. I was on the fast track to
2013, I received an honorable mention in Writer’s Digest’s Self Published book
awards for MG/YA. I guess I am learning something!
Ideas from dreams follow me into warm sunny days or the
quiet of falling snow. “What ifs” feed a vivid imagination. Even mistyped
phrases may lead to an "aha" moment. Brain storming sessions standing
in windy, dark parking lots with fellow writers release thoughts that pry at
the corners of my mind, grasping for purchase. Sometimes the ideas pursue me,
with persistence.
For More Information
R.E. Sheahan is giving away a
paperback copy of Book Two (Storm of Arranon Fire) and Book Three (Storm of
Arranon Allies and Enemies)!
Terms & Conditions:
- By entering
the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
- One winner
will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive both books
- This
giveaway ends midnight October
- Winner will
be contacted via email on October 29.
- Winner has
48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!
My Review
The STORM OF ARRANON was a well written novel, that pulled me in form the very first page. I found the book to be very interesting with how it combined elements of science fiction and fantasy together perfectly. The characters were all well developed with their own unique personalities. The dialogue was all realistic and well written and not too wordy. I real enjoyed how the plot line flowed together perfectly. Erynn was a strong character who I really enjoy reading about and I liked how she grew through out the book. I was sent this book for free for only my honest review.