Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Buckaroo Buckeye: A Little Nut with Big Dreams

Buckeye Buckaroo: A Little Nut With Big Dreams by Kristin Anderson Cetone

Book Details:

Book Title:  Buckaroo Buckeye: A Little Nut with Big Dreams
Author: Kristin Anderson Cetone
Illustrator: Nadia Komorova
Category:  Children's Fiction (Ages 3-7),  36 pages
Genre:  Friendship, Social Skills & School Life, Bullies, Growing Up & Facts of Life
Publisher:  KLAC Enterprises, LLC
Release date:  September 1, 2012
Tour dates: May 21 to June 15, 2018
Content Rating: G

Book Description:

Winner of the Mom's Choice Silver and OneBookAZ Awards!

There's a new cowboy in town! Hit the trail with Buckaroo Buckeye, a lovable little nut who falls from his tree in Ohio, as he dodges the bumps and bullies along the way in a magical journey to find his true place in the world.

Created by Reading Specialist Kristin Cetone, Buckaroo Buckeye teaches children 4-8 to: • Learn to ignore bullies
• Improve their self-esteem
• Connect with reading
• "Dream, Believe and Achieve" no matter their size!

Your child will be inspired by Buckaroo's determination in this touching story with unforgettable characters illustrated by Nadia Komorova. Get yours today!
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Kristin Anderson Cetone
Meet the author:

Buckaroo Buckeye grew out of author Kristin Anderson Cetone's imagination and joy of reading.

Born in Dayton, Ohio, she traveled many miles before putting down roots in the Arizona desert. Influenced by family, education, life experiences, and a desire to teach others, Mrs. Cetone discovered her purpose---just like Buckaroo Buckeye did.

Her true calling and passion is writing and helping others become successful readers. She created Buckaroo to encourage children to believe in themselves and follow their dreams while dodging the bumps and bullies along the way. Reading will help guide the way. Being a Reading Specialist, she has also created Nuts About Reading™ an informal, supplemental, online reading service. She shares her insights and suggestions to help parents strengthen their children's reading process and become successful readers.

Her joy now is to inspire and help kids to find the Buckaroo Buckeye in themselves.

Connect with the Author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Pinterest ~ Instagram


May 21 - Rockin' Book Reviews - book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
May 21 - Blooming with Books - book spotlight / giveaway
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May 23 - Words and Peace - book spotlight / giveaway
May 23 - Splashes Into Books - book spotlight / author interview
May 24 - Brooke Blogs - book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
May 25 - Hall Ways Blog - book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
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May 29 - Cheryl's Book Nook - book spotlight / giveaway
May 30 - Books Direct - book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
May 30 - Books for Books - book spotlight
May 31 - Writers and Authors - book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
June 1 - Bound 2 Escape - book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
June 4 - This and That Book Blog - book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
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June 6 - 100 Pages A Day - book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
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June 11 - Nighttime Reading Center - book spotlight / giveaway
June 12 - The Autistic Gamer - book spotlight / giveaway
June 12 - Laura's Interests - book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
June 13 - The Book Girl - book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
June 13 - JBronder Book Reviews - book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
June 14 - Jaquo Lifestyle Magazine - book spotlight / author interview
June 15 - Bookworm for Kids - book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
June 15 - KC Beanie Boos Collection - book spotlight / giveaway

Monday, May 28, 2018


At Shutter Speed ebook Cover

Inside the Book

Author: Rebecca Burrell
Publisher: Cranesbill Press
Pages: 381
Genre: Women’s Fiction
In the click of a shutter, #Resistance becomes more than just a hashtag.
Pass the bar exam. Convince someone—anyone—in the Egyptian government to admit they’ve imprisoned your husband. Don’t lose your mind. For fledgling human rights attorney Leah Cahill, the past six months have been a trial by fire, ever since Matty, a respected but troubled war photojournalist, disappeared during a crackdown in Cairo.
Leah, the daughter of a civil rights icon, grew up wanting to change the world; Matty was the one who showed her she could. Though frustrated by the US government’s new fondness for dictators, she persists, until a leaked email reveals a crumbling democracy far closer to home.
Risking her own freedom, she gains proof Matty’s being detained at a U.S. ‘black site’, stemming from his work covering the refugee crisis in Syria. Armed with his photo archives, Leah plunges into their past together, a love story spanning three continents. She uncovers secrets involving Matty’s missionary childhood, her own refugee caseload, and the only story the deeply principled reporter ever agreed to bury. It’s what got him captured—and what might still get him killed. With Leah’s last chance to save him slipping away, Matty’s biggest secret may be one he’s willing to die to protect.

Amazon | Barnes & Noble


Meet the Author

Rebecca Burrell
In her own fictional world, Rebecca Burrell is a secret Vatican spy, a flight nurse swooping over the frozen battlefields of Korea, or a journalist en-route to cover the latest world crisis. In real life, she’s a scientist in the medical field. She lives in Massachusetts with her family, two seriously weird cats, and a dog who’s convinced they’re taunting him.




My Review
AT SHUTTER SPEED was a well written book that I found to be both unique and enjoyable. I loved all of the intrigue and mystery that surrounded the story and the idea that Matty was being held at a US black site reminded me a little of the TV show Blacklist!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Catalina and the Kings Wall

Catalina and the Kings Wall

About the Book

Title: Catalina and the King's Wall
Author: Patricia Costello
Illustrated by: Diane Cojocaru
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Number of Pages: 32
Publisher: Eifrig Publishing
Publication Date: May 5, 2018
Summary: One day Catalina overhears the king planning to build a wall and fears her family will never be able to visit. Catalina tricks the king into building walls that droop, drip, swirl, and swoosh away. But now the king demands a wall that will outlast even a Twinkie. Luckily, Catalina has the perfect ingredients to bake up a family reunion!
Available on Amazon & Eifrig Publishing

Take a peek inside the book...

About the Author

Patty Costello lives in Boise, Idaho with her husband, a crazy awesome toddler, a dog named Pippa, and a dog named Spencer. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from the University of St Thomas and a PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Minnesota. She currently works in higher education. Catalina and the King’s Wall is her first book. At all hours of the day (and night) she can be found standing at her desk, helping her university run smoothly and working on her next story.Website ~ Twitter ~ Instagram 


My Review
Catalina and the King's Wall by Patricia Costello was a thirty-two paged children's book that demonstrates the power of the mind and how it is possible for anyone to out think someone else. The story itself was adorable and it was filled with cute pictures that were perfectly geared toward an audience of young children. The words of the story were well chosen so that young children could both read and understand them. I would recommend this book to any young child, but I personally feel that young girls would enjoy it the post because of the main character Catalina.  

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Degrees of Love: A Novel by Lisa Slabach

Wednesday, May 16, 2018



Inside the Book

Author: Maureen Brady
Publisher: Bacon Press Books
Pages: 230
Genre: Women’s Fiction
After stabbing her abusive husband and leaving him dying on the kitchen floor, Cookie Wagner flees to remote Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. For a moment, she seems to have gotten away with murder. But, consigned to a secretive life with a new name and the need to be on constant alert, she faces all she has not gotten away with. She is helped by the recently widowed Mrs. Biddle, who offers her a place to stay, and the lobster fisherman Butch, who gives her a job and later falls in love with her. Walking the cliffs and beaches, taking in the scruffy windblown plants that survive the buffeting wind by growing at an angle, she begins to heal.
Yet, there is no leaving behind the notion that Warren is dead as the result of her action.
Or is he? And if not, will he one day come to find her?
Sexual harassment and abuse are all over the news these days, often involving celebrites and other well-known figures, but Cookie, the protagonist of Getaway, is no celebrity. She’s an ordinary woman married to a working class guy who drinks too much and resorts to violence. Their story reveals how endemic the phenomenon of abuse is, and the quandary Cookie lands in when she fights back.
Praise for Getaway:
“Sensitive, sensual, and stirring. “Getaway” is a true page-turner, but one with heart and with context. I couldn’t put it down until I got to the end, not just to find out what happened, but also to discover who these intriguing and complex characters would develop into. An extremely satisfying read!”
Danielle Ofri, author of What Patients Say, What Doctors Hear, Editor-in-Chief, Bellevue Literary Review.
Getaway is available at Amazon.


Meet the Author

Maureen Brady
Though Maureen Brady wrote the humor column of her junior high school newspaper, she didn’t actually comprehend that she was a writer until after she had moved to New York City in her twenties, where she began taking writing workshops at The New School and then fell headlong into the consciousness raising groups of the early 1970’s.
She published her first novel, Give Me Your Good Ear, in 1979, and it was published by The Women’s Press in England in 1981. Her novel, Folly, was excerpted in Southern Exposure, received wide critical acclaim, was nominated by Adrienne Rich for an ALA Gay Book Award and was reprinted as a classic by The Feminist Press. She published a collection of short stories, The Question She Put to Herself, in 1987, then turned to writing nonfiction in the ’90’s, publishing Daybreak: Meditations for Women Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Midlife: Meditations for Women. She returned to fiction with the novel, Ginger’s Fire, and her most recent novel, Getaway.
Her recent work has appeared in Sinister Wisdom, Bellevue Literary Review; Just Like A Girl; Cabbage and Bones: Irish American Women’s Fiction, Mom, In the Family, and Intersections: An Anthology of Banff Writers. Brady’s essays and stories have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and were finalists for the Katherine Anne Porter Fiction Prize and the Nelsen Algren Short Story contest.
An Adjunct Assistant Professor, she teaches creative writing at New York University and New York Writers Workshop @ the Jewish Community Center, and works as a free-lance editor and tutor, helping writers across the spectrum take their writing to the next stage.
A co-founder of Spinsters Ink, Brady edited such books as The Cancer Journals by Audre Lorde and The Woman Who Breathes Fire by Kitty Tsui. She also served as a panelist for The New York State Council on the Arts Literature Program and as a fiction judge for Oregon Literary Arts. She is a founding member of The New York Writers Workshop and has long served as Board President of Money for Women Barbara Deming Memorial Fund.
She has received grants from the Ludwig Vogelstein Foundation; New York State Council on the Arts Writer-in-Residence; New York State Council on the Arts CAPS grant; Holding Our Own; Briarcombe Foundation; and The Virginia Center for the Creative Arts Fellowship to The Tyrone Guthrie Centre, Ireland. She was the winner of the Saints and Sinners short story contest for 2015 and is also a Saints and Sinners Hall of Fame winner.
She lives in New York City and Woodstock with her long term partner, Martha, and their joy dog, Bessie.
Visit Maureen’s website at

My Review

As a psychology graduate I found this book interesting in the way it portrayed an abuse relationship accurately, which keeping the story fictional. I also enjoyed the story itself as the characters all felt very real and the book felt like it could almost be a real event.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018


Probable Cause

Inside the Book

Author: Robin Haines
Publisher: Createspace
Pages: 71
Genre: Politics
This book is a refreshing new look at the JFK Conspiracy theories. After years of meticulous research the author has compiled new evidence to suggest a different theory on this important moment in our nation’s history.
It is a must read for anyone interested in a different view of the JFK assassination.



Meet the Author

Robin Haines
Robin Haines was born in Jersey City, New Jersey on March 20th 1953. Her mother was a journalist for a newspaper called the Hudson Dispatch which later became the Jersey Journal Dispatch. She was a Religion Editor who also covered theater, and entertainment and occasionally, covered stories about politics. Her father was a wine salesman who eventually became a cab driver. Both of her parents are now deceased.
She graduated from Weehawken High School in June of 1972. She attended Manhattan School of Music and took some extension courses at Julliard in Theory and Composition but did not obtain a degree.
She resided in Weehawken, New Jersey, until she was 29. Then she relocated to Winchester, Virginia, where she still lives today. She has never been married.
Her many interests include politics, religion, military, and American History. She also enjoys horseback riding, theater, and current events.
The author deeply believes that the many controversies, especially the one involving the JFK Assassination which are still hanging over us from the 1960’s and 70’s need to be resolved. Final closure should be brought to these things while there are still some people living who have firsthand knowledge of them.
She hopes that out of all this tragedy, some new laws, and treaties will be passed. One of which will require that all public figures seeking election to the Presidency and Vice Presidency of the U.S. must be subject to a top secret national security background check for the highest level of clearance. This would definitely serve as a deterrent to prevent a situation like this from arising here again.
You can visit her website at


My Review
I found the PROBABLE CAUSE: RETHINKING THE JFK PLOT to be an interesting book that clearly shows off the authors ability to research and present alternate ideas for the JFK assassination. I found that the book was the perfect length as it allowed the author to keep it short and sweet!

Monday, May 14, 2018

600 Days In Hiding

Inside the Book

Andreas Algava with Daniel Levine
For Passion Publishing Company, LLC
The Nazis invaded Salonika, Greece in April 1941. Within two years, the city’s Jews were shipped by cattle cars to the Auschwitz death camp. There were just three families who stayed in the city and survived because of the courage and kindness of Greek citizens who risked their lives and hid these Jewish families in their homes. Among the survivors were Andrew “Andreas” Algava, who was three years old at the time, and his family. They were five of 56,000 Jews who had lived in Salonika.
Algava, who moved to the United States at the age of seven, has written a gripping account of his family’s experience of survival titled 600 DAYS IN HIDING ( memoir stands beside such classics of Holocaust literature as THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK, Elie Wiesel’s NIGHT, Primo Levi’s SURVIVAL IN AUSCHWITZ, and Nechama Tec’s DEFIANCE.
Two excerpts from 600 DAYS IN HIDING dramatically illustrate Algava’s intention to “communicate the humanity or inhumanity of how we choose to respond to each other.” The first scene takes place in a graveyard:
“Henri stood at the edge of the massive Jewish cemetery sprawling before him. The crypts and headstones extended for thousands of meters in all directions, a vast city of gravestones marking the remains of Jewish men, women, and children buried here during the past 450 years. At one end of the enormous cemetery a small army of several hundred Greek workers were busy with shovels and pickaxes, tearing up the gravesites, pillaging for treasure. Henri watched with a mix of astonishment and horror as Thessaloniki’s Jewish history was being destroyed before his eyes, forever.”
The second excerpt describes the family’s first perilous night as they go into hiding from the Nazis:
“Marcos looked at Allegra. ‘I think the most danger we will face tonight will be from Andreas.’
 ‘What do you mean?’ Allegra asked, taking a short breath.
‘We agreed he should come with me so if you are caught, he will have his freedom. Is he prepared to play the game we talked about? Being quiet and not paying attention to you?’
‘I think so,’ Allegra replied. ‘He’s old enough.’ Marcos looked at the sleeping child and knew their fate rested with him.
…‘Remember,’ whispered Marcos, as they were about to open the apartment’s door, ‘stay in three separate groups. We’ll gather at the trolley stop on Martiou Street. When you’re out of the ghetto, tear off the stars and put them in your pocket. We’ll get off at Saint Sophie as planned. Whatever happens, just stay calm. We’ll be all right.’ He looked at each of them, and made his face relax with a little smile to reassure them. ‘They look ready,’ he thought.
…A knock on the door and a thin narrow face greeted them quietly. Quickly the six travelers entered. Allegra saw it was a small room in a poor house with a dirt floor. …‘Welcome, welcome,’ said Pachis. ‘It isn’t much, but we can shelter you. Your room is over here,’ and he walked to a room with a curtain as its door. ‘We have some blankets you can use,’ Pachis said, indicating a small pile of old wool blankets.
…‘Good night,’ said Marcos. ‘You’ll be safe here, for a while at least.’
‘Thank you, Marcos,’ Allegra said. ‘We are grateful.’
‘I’m glad to help.’ Turning to go, he said softly, ‘I’ll return tomorrow with a few of the things you said you wanted. It may take a few trips, but I’ll get them here. Get some sleep,’ and he stepped through the open doorway, drawing the drape across the opening.
Quickly setting up a sleeping area, soon everyone had settled down. Henri took his place beside Allegra and his son, and though he was very tired and drained, he stayed awake, still edgy. Eventually the sounds of slumber lulled him to sleep as the night yielded to the dawn of their first day in hiding.”
600 DAYS in HIDING is well-positioned for adaptation as a film. Such a production would provide a powerful thematic counterpoint to news stories about current political upheaval and the drumbeat of dehumanization in the United States and throughout the world.
Algava also notes that he is writing a sequel to 600 DAYS IN HIDING that will address “how as individuals and as society we came to be.” He adds that writing his inspiring story “absolutely energizes me. It’s the fulfillment of a dream.”



Meet the Author

Andreas Algava
Andreas Algava was born in Thessaloniki, Greece in 1939, the only son of Henri Algava and Allegra Carasso-Algava. When Andreas was 16 months old, Hitler’s forces invaded the country of his birth. Having to decide whether to believe the Nazi propaganda about a safe haven for Jews in Poland or go into hiding and risk execution, Andreas’s parents chose the latter relying on the courage and character of their Christian friends.
After the war, the Algava family moved to New York City and became U.S. citizens. Andreas became known as Andrew who later attended Cornell University where he earned an engineering degree. This was followed by military service in the U. S. Army including a tour of duty in France. After military service, Andrew worked with his father in the family export business in the United States and Argentina.
He joined IBM and worked on assignment in Germany where he lived with his wife, Priscilla and where his two daughters, Alisa and Carin were born. Andreas now lives in Rhode Island to be close to his daughters, son-in-law Michael and grandchildren Drew and Sabria.
Algava wrote 600 Days in Hiding: A Jewish Family in Nazi-Occupied Thessaloniki Greece to tell the story of his family’s survival during the Greek Holocaust. Andreas regards his book as his declaration for people to live in peace and harmony and a warning to not repeat the horrors of the past.
“Writing my Family’s story energizes me; it’s a fulfillment of a dream.” He plans to write a sequel to 600 Days in Hiding to address “How as individuals and society we are making very bad choices and need to take appropriate actions.”
The author is available for media interviews and speaking engagements in hopes of inspiring others to take action to create a more just world.
The author is committed to his personal mission: “To empower myself and others to manifest generosity, kindness, forgiveness and compassion for myself and for others to relieve the suffering in the world.”



My Review

600 Days in Hiding: A Jewish Family in Nazi-Occupied Thessaloniki Greece was a well written memoir that helped me to better understand other counties were effected by the Nazis. The author did a wonderful job in sharing the truth in a manner that was interesting while also not hiding any of the gritty details.

Friday, May 11, 2018


Nurse to the Marquess

Inside the Book

Author: Katy Walters
Publisher: Celtic Circle Publishing
Pages: 181
Genre: Regency Suspense/Romance
Under pressure from her aunt, Lady Rosamond Whitney agrees to attend the Little Season in support of her widowed friend Lady Harriett Templeton.
Still mourning for her young husband, Lady Harriett also has no desire to marry again. Yet they both give in to their beloved aunt who fears for their future if they do not meet worthy husbands.
After visiting the modiste who is preparing their ball gowns and riding habits for the Little Season, they go to a local coffee house, unaware of the danger ahead.
Enter the Lord Sebastian, 6th Marquess of Delmoor, once a renowned rakehell and hero of the Battle of Waterloo suffering from war wounds that make it highly unlikely he will win the love of a woman. His friend, Lord Charles Roberts, 10th Viscount Morhampton intent of finding a bride, begs Sebastian’s support as he attends the Little Season.
On their way, to Bath, they stop for coffee at the local coffee house little realizing they would be fighting a rapacious group of drunken dandiprats intent on dishonouring Lady Rosamond and Lady Harriett.




Meet the Author

Katy Walters

USA Today Best-Selling author, Katy Walters e.books, and paperbacks are purchased and read in their thousands on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited. Katy lives in the midst of Regency towns on the South Coast of England. Her main interests are historical; contemporary suspense romance, and time travel. She is equally drawn to the paranormal based on mythology and the Dark Ages.

After studying at various universities Katy was awarded a B.A Hons (psych) B.A.(Soc.) B.A. Eng Lit & Creative Writing and an M.A. She was also awarded a Doctor of Science (Hon) for research into pain control. She pursued a fulfilling career as a research psychologist and psychotherapist and gained a fellowship in hypnotherapy. She now enjoys writing over several genres. At present Katy is working on a novel based on psychology and hypnosis.



My Review
I personally enjoyed reading NURSE TO THE MARQUESS. I felt like there were some twists and turns in the story that kept in from being a predictable romance novel. I liked the author's writing style and I hope to read more of her books in the future!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018


The Banished Lands

Inside the Book

Author: Benjamin Mester
Publisher: Independent
Pages: 384
Genre: Fantasy
A kingdom in danger. A prophecy that will change everything. But will they understand it in time? The old world is gone, and barely even histories remain. But something from that time is returning. The closing lines of a farewell poem, written centuries ago by the last great king of the age to his slain wife, might be more than just a poem:
The world and all its light shall fade,
I’ll stay with her beneath the shade
And wait until the world’s remade…
Join us in this epic fantasy adventure as three friends plunge into the great mystery of their age, twelve centuries in the making. A mysterious fog blankets the forest just outside the sleepy town of Suriya. A dark plot unfolds as Durian and his friends discover ties between a strange wanderer and the warlike barbarian kingdom far to the north. Are the mysterious things happening in the forest a prelude to invasion? What happens next will propel Durian and his curious friends into the middle of the oldest riddle in the history of their kingdom, a dozen centuries old.
The Banished Lands series

Meet the Author

Benjamin Mester is native of San Diego but can often be found wandering the woods of northern Minnesota.  He fell in love with language at an early age – the eloquence of poetry or the grandeur of an epic story.  Fantasy is his favorite genre, crafting new and magical places of heroism and adventure.  When he isn’t writing, he’s often taking long walks through nature or wondering about his place in the wide world.
Benjamin is the author of The Banished Lands series.
You can visit him on Goodreads.

My Review

THE BANISHED LANDS was a well written fantasy book, however I found it to be a bit on the predictable side with the whole kingdom in danger and prophecy thing. It just felt like some of the plot device were ones that have been way overused in fantasy novels.

Monday, May 7, 2018


Inside the Book

Author: Michelle Bellon
Publisher: Limitless Publishing
Pages: 272
Genre: Thriller/Suspense
Breathe in. Breathe out. This mantra gets Tessa Benson through the day. The man she loves walks all over her, and she just wants to get by without her heart shattering to pieces. If she could find her voice, she’d scream. Everything changes in one night, when she’s snatched from the streets and tied to a bed, a camera set up to capture her dying moment. And the person who paid to watch her die…is still out there somewhere. Tessa prowls dark neighborhoods in a quest for justice, but she doesn’t find the killer. Not until they strike again…in the place Tessa is least expecting, and where it hurts worst.

Amazon | Barnes & Noble


Meet the Author

Michelle Bellon lives in the Pacific Northwest with her four quirky and beautiful children. She loves coffee, Superman, rollercoasters, and has an addiction to chapstick.
She works as a registered nurse and in her spare time writes novels. As a multi-genre author, she has written in the categories of romance suspense, young adult, women’s fiction, and literary fiction. She has won four literary awards.




My Review
BREATHE IN was a thriller of a read that took me through all sorts of highs and lows. The book moved at a fast pace and I was constantly wondering what was going to happen next! Overall, I loved Tessa as a character and how she was able to rise above her experiences in order to unravel what was happening to and around her.


Eyes Don't Lie by Crystal Dawn Mason

Book Details:

Book Title:  Eyes Don't Lie: You Can't Hide by Crystal Dawn Mason
Category:  Adult Fiction, 142 pages
Genre:   Suspense / Thriller
Publisher:  self-published
Release date:  Oct 11, 2017
Tour dates: April 30 to May 18, 2018
Content Rating: PG

Book Description:

Curly-haired brunettes with blue eyes are the only women that seem to capture Keith’s attention. But is it really their appearance that attracts him or something sinister? Keith, a broken soul, who’s battling between good and evil, goes about his days trying to fight his evil urges. But because of a demonic stronghold, in most instances good loses the battle to evil.

Affected by the pain and hurt of his childhood, he now seeks out the love he didn’t receive as a child. But when he doesn’t get it, there’s retribution to pay…and what a sad day it is for those curly-haired brunettes with blue eyes who fail to make the mark. But things take a turn when he meets a grocery store cashier who has the ability to see evil through his eyes. McKenzie is able to connect dots, interfering with Keith’s destructive path – a path that could lead him to prison or even the grave.
Crystal Dawn Mason
Meet the Author:

​Crystal Dawn Mason started writing books of poetry, then transitioned into narrative writing. Becoming a writer was not a goal as she began her studies as a psychology major at Indiana University Purdue University of Indianapolis. It wasn't until she had a bad experience that she stumbled upon her natural ability to create stories. And this discovery started her down a newfound path of purpose. While working, she found another niche in the education field, which led her to pursue a teaching degree. Thus, she is now pursuing a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies to become an elementary teacher. She enjoys working with children, and her goal, outside of teaching, is to continue writing stories that are inspiring and entertaining for her readers.

Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Pinterest