Monday, January 30, 2017

Emotional Healing with Essential Oils (A journey of self discovery) by Trish Nash

Emotional Healing with Essential Oils (A journey of self discovery) by Trish Nash is a non-fiction self help book. Emotional Healing with Essential Oils (A journey of self discovery) by Trish Nash is a book that will appeal most to a mixed audience of young adults and adults who are interested in seeking emotional help, care, stability, and discover through the use of different essential oils. Emotional Healing with Essential Oils (A journey of self discovery) by Trish Nash takes the reader on their own unique and personal journey through their conscious and subconscious minds in order to discover their inner workings without any false illusions. Once the reader has a true understanding of themselves Emotional Healing with Essential Oils (A journey of self discovery) by Trish Nash provides them with a step by step guide which provides the reader with help on uncovering their true self and stripping away any and all self-deception in order to allow their true self to shine through.

Emotional Healing with Essential Oils (A journey of self discovery) by Trish Nash was a truly interesting and enlightening read. I feel like Emotional Healing with Essential Oils (A journey of self discovery) by Trish Nash it took me on a journey to learn about who I really am and what I care about as my own person without anyone else’s beliefs influencing who I am or should be as a person. The use of essential oils in the step by step guide was an interesting concept to try and while I am unsure about how much effect I have gotten from them I certainly enjoyed the scents if nothing else! All in all I am glad that I took them time to read Emotional Healing with Essential Oils (A journey of self discovery) by Trish Nash!

Reviewed by Sefina Hawke for Readers Favroite

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Eat Beautiful is both interesting and confusing.

Eat Beautiful is both interesting and confusing. I found it interesting in learning how different food can effect the body, but I found it confusing in that it tried to be too many things. On one hand it was a cookbook on another it was a guide to what to eat and what not to eat to get certain effects and then it was telling me what I should have as far as beauty supplies go. I twas a coll idea, but I think it should have been two books instead of one. Also the pages that list products and their effects were rather boring in that they did not have any pictures.

Elm Street: Memories of a Home (Volume 2) by Scott Douglas Vaughan

Elm Street: Memories of a Home (Volume 2) by Scott Douglas Vaughan is a fiction book that is the second book the Memories of Home series.  Elm Street: Memories of a Home (Volume 2) by Scott Douglas Vaughan is a book that will appeal to a mixed audience of young adults and some adults who are interested in fiction based on the author’s own childhood experiences. Elm Street: Memories of a Home (Volume 2) by Scott Douglas Vaughan follows Frank Wilcox in 1965 as he, Charlie Keller, Lester Freemont, Pete Yancey, and Wendell Mann grow from boyhood into manhood. In Elm Street: Memories of a Home (Volume 2) by Scott Douglas Vaughan Frank Wilcox and his friends deal with school spankings, explorations with their Cub Scout friends, a school bully, honor roll, and the Georgia Bulldogs football games.

                I really liked the idea that while Elm Street: Memories of a Home (Volume 2) by Scott Douglas Vaughan was totally fictional that it was based on the author’s own experiences. I enjoyed trying to spate fact based fiction from total fiction.  Elm Street: Memories of a Home (Volume 2) by Scott Douglas Vaughan was particularly well written and I found the descriptive language really allowed me to create a clear picture of the time period, the boys, and the settings. While Elm Street: Memories of a Home (Volume 2) by Scott Douglas Vaughan is the second book in the series I had no difficulty in jumping right in to book two; which was a nice change from the normal confusion I have to deal with when I begin in the middles of a series. I have to say I actually liked it so much that I plan to go back and read the first book: Brookwood Road: Memories of a Home!

           "Reviewed by Sefina Hawke for Readers' Favorite"

Friday, January 27, 2017

About iRead Book Tours:

About iRead Book Tours:

At iRead, we give special attention to every book that tours with us. We are passionate about books and we customize all our tours because no two authors are alike.

We don't just market books. We help our authors get the best exposure with traditional tours consisting mainly of reviews. We work closely with our authors and pride ourselves on our highly individualized customer service.

All our staff are book bloggers and authors, so we understand the process and the hard work involved. We've built a solid relationship with our database of reliable book bloggers who are eager to read your books.

Welcome to the iRead experience!

About Laura Fabiani:

Image result for Laura FabianiIn 2008, Laura began blogging about books shortly after she published her first book. She started Library of Clean Reads, a book review blog, and discovered the joy of reviewing a variety of genres. Her children have joined her in this venture and they spend many happy hours reading books together. A Special Care Counselor by profession, Laura has co-led and developed programs for seniors with dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease. She has a passion for the topic of neuroscience and wellness.

Throughout the years she has met and worked with wonderful publishers, both traditional and indie, as well as publicists and authors. Best of all, she discovered the world of book bloggers--a community of special people who spend their precious time sharing their love of books and all things related to books.

Taking part in book tours has always made Laura feel more connected to authors and the publishing field. She organized her own virtual tour when her book was published and she learned several things. As an author, it exposed her to actual reader views and social media. As a book blogger and book tour organizer, it taught her the amount of work it entailed. And she loves it!

You can find Laura blogging at Library of Clean Reads and Essentially Italian. She is the owner of iRead Book Tours,  Italy Book Tours, and Je Lis Blog Tours.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Noah, Noah, What Do You See? By Bill Martin Jr. and Michael Sampson Published by Thomas Nelson

Noah, Noah, What Do You See?
By Bill Martin Jr. and Michael Sampson 
Published by Thomas Nelson

Book Description

From the bestselling authors of Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? and Chicka Chicka, 1, 2, 3
Noah, Noah, what do you see? I see animals in the ark with me.
Moses sees the Red Sea part. Daniel sees lions in the den. Mary sees baby Jesus smiling at her. Noah, Noah, What Do You See? introduces little ones to favorite Bible heroes from the Old and New Testaments.
With colorful art from Melissa Iwai and the signature rhyming style of Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, parents and children alike will love the classic storytelling of Bill Martin Jr. and Michael Sampson.
Bill Martin Jr. didn’t learn to read until he reached college, yet he earned a doctorate in education from Northwestern University. He was one of the world’s foremost authors in literary education, as well as a million-selling author of books including Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, and Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?
Michael Sampson, Ph.D., is a New York Times bestselling author of twenty-six books for young children, including Chicka Chicka 1, 2, 3 and The Bill Martin Jr. Big Book of Poetry. Sampson is dean of the School of Education at St. John’s University in New York City and lives with his family on Long Island.

My Review
Noah, Noah, What Do You See? By Bill Martin Jr. and Michael Sampson immediately reminded me of Chicka Chicka, 1, 2, 3 and  Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? as it had the same sort of writing style and cute pictures that are both well done and very child friendly. I found the book is a perfect Noah's Ark story for young children as it is both interesting and entertaining to them. 

The Extraordinary Journey of Vivienne Marshall

Book Description:

Image result for The Extraordinary Journey of Vivienne MarshallWhat if you could choose your heaven now? Go on a celestial shopping trip of sorts? Thirty-five-year-old Vivienne does just that, as she lies dying in the ICU; a fatal walk into the path of a truck. In her final week of life, Vivienne treks through the Heavens of a priest, a best friend, a homeless child, and a lover who never was. Vivienne’s guardian angel, Noah, who may just be her soul mate, escorts her through selections of Heavens and through the confusion Vivienne experiences as she flounders between a doubt of life and the certainty of death. Although her visits to varied afterlives provide peace and beauty, choosing proves not so easy: Vivienne’s love for her young son and her earthly father pull her from her colorful journey—and from her divine love of Noah.

The nature of love, the variety and magic of life, unending hope, and the importance of saying goodbye are central to this uplifting tale.

Buy the Book:   Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble

Author's Bio:

Image result for The Extraordinary Journey of Vivienne Marshall
Shannon Kirk is the awarding-winning author of the international bestselling Method 15/33 (psychological thriller--bestseller in Colombia and Spain, will be lead title in Italy, 2017) and Heavens (Literary Fiction). Method 15/33 has received multiple accolades: 2015 Foreword Review Book of the Year (Suspense); Winner of 2015 National Indie Excellence Award, Best Suspense; 2015 USA Best Book Finalist; School Library Journal's Best Adult Books for Teens (2015); and Finalist in 2013 William Faulkner William Wisdom Creative Writing Competition (when a Novella). Method 15/33 is optioned for a major motion film and has sold to nineteen foreign rights.

When not writing, she is a practicing lawyer, residing on Massachusett's Cape Ann with her husband and son and two cat writing accomplices, Marvin Marquez (in honor of Gabriel Garcia Marquez) and Stewie Poe (Edgar Allen Poe).

Shannon enjoys writing in several genres: literary fiction, psychological thriller, young adult, and poetry. She has been honored three times by the William Faulkner William Wisdom Creative Writing Competition.

Connect with the author: Website  ~  Twitter  ~  Facebook

My Review

The Extraordinary Journey of Vivienne Marshall was simply an amazing book. Before I go farther however I want to say the one thing I really loved is that this book really showcased how texting can be dangerous to not only drivers, but also pedestrians. Vivienne Marshall’s inattention to her surroundings due to her texting while walking led her to a place between life and death. While the story that follows her texting decision is a story of the beauty of heaven and is amazing all by itself the book still serves as a warning to people.

That aside the author did such an amazing job with writing this book that I wonder if the author has ever had a near death experience, an out of body experience, or if she has ever died and been brought back. The author truly makes heaven out to be a beautiful place and yet she also gives Vivienne Marshall reasons to choose to stay in her Earthly model. I won’t ruin the story by telling you which choice Vivienne Marshall decides on, but the decision itself is heart wrenching in its beauty.