Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Alexandra Forever: Beginnings

Inside the Book

Alexandra Forever cover anim
Author: D.W. Richards
Publisher: Solstice Publishing
Pages: 189
Genre: Urban Fantasy/Scifi
Would you risk erasing yourself from ever existing to save the immortal soul of a beloved friend?
Two middle-aged sisters, Nadenka and Anastasiya, travel to a remote northern mountain where they must contend with their notorious, and seemingly immortal grandmother, Alexandra, in their quest to save an aged and frail member of their coven, Terra, from demonic possession. Deep family wounds need to be addressed before they can do what is required for the exorcism. But time is running out. The woman they are trying to save is dying. As the clock is ticking down, an evil legion emerges to stand between them and saving Terra’s immortal soul.



Meet The Author

David Richards
D.W. Richards first introduced the protagonist, Alexandra, to the world in his novel, “Pairs,” which spent two weeks on the Amazon U.K. Best Seller list for humor. Alexandra’s story continued in the graphic novel, “Alexandra Forever: 2337”. In addition to creative writing, D.W. Richards has a Bachelor Degree in Psychology from Carleton University and is a Certified General Accountant.



My Review
I found that I really enjoyed Alexandra Forever: Beginnings once I got in to it. It took me a few chapters to be well and truly hooked, but by then it was too late for me to have any hope of stopping the book before the end. I enjoyed the ending as it was the perfect fit for this story!

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