Sunday, April 30, 2017

Blood Rose Rebellion by Rosalyn Eves

"A magical tale unlike anything you've read before." —

"[A] richly imagined 19th-century historical fantasy." —, A-

The thrilling first book in a YA fantasy trilogy for fans of Red Queen. In a world where social prestige derives from a trifecta of blood, money, and magic, one girl has the ability to break the spell that holds the social order in place.

Sixteen-year-old Anna Arden is barred from society by a defect of blood. Though her family is part of the Luminate, powerful users of magic, she is Barren, unable to perform the simplest spells. Anna would do anything to belong. But her fate takes another course when, after inadvertently breaking her sister’s debutante spell—an important chance for a highborn young woman to show her prowess with magic—Anna finds herself exiled to her family’s once powerful but now crumbling native Hungary. 
Her life might well be over.
In Hungary, Anna discovers that nothing is quite as it seems. Not the people around her, from her aloof cousin Noémi to the fierce and handsome Romani Gábor. Not the society she’s known all her life, for discontent with the Luminate is sweeping the land. And not her lack of magic. Isolated from the only world she cares about, Anna still can’t seem to stop herself from breaking spells.
As rebellion spreads across the region, Anna’s unique ability becomes the catalyst everyone is seeking. In the company of nobles, revolutionaries, and Romani, Anna must choose: deny her unique power and cling to the life she’s always wanted, or embrace her ability and change that world forever. 

My Review
Blood Rose Rebellion by Rosalyn Eves was a well written fictional book that moved at a very fast pace. I found Sixteen-year-old Anna Arden to be my favorite character and I felt for her when a problem with her blood made her an outcast in society. The magical elements of the Blood Rose Rebellion by Rosalyn Eves were particularly well done and I enjoyed the fact that main character could not cast magic, but instead would cause magic to break. It was a nice twist.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Desert Melody by Laura Evans Serna

  For generations the Voyan have lived peacefully among Humans, blending in despite their special thought-sharing abilities and unique communal culture. But now a mysterious disease is killing Voyan babies.
Teagan is a Voyan wet nurse saving the lives of newborns. As the mother of a half-Human child, she struggles to fit into the Voyan world. When she falls for Josh, a Human man eager to take on the roles of husband and father, she starts to question her deepest beliefs about her people and her own fate.
Soon Teagan faces threats from unknown and unlikely foes. She must decide what she's willing to risk for a chance at love, security, and a future for her child.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The Feet Say Run

The Feet Say Run by [Blum, Dan ]The Feet Say Run is the story of a life spent running—a literary novel that is also a suspenseful page-turner, a work at once emotionally gripping and darkly comic.
In his waning years, Hans Jaeger finds himself stranded on a desert island—the last island not mapped by modern GPS — with a small band of survivors. What is my particular crime? he asks. Why have I been chosen for this fate?
And so he begns the chronicle of his long life. He tells the tale of his life in Nazi Germany, the Jewish girl he loved, and his years fighting with the Wehrmacht. His war experiences are vividly individual—a struggle for survival in the most harrowing of circumstances—and yet also the broader story of the cruelty and absurdity of the Nazi regime, the madness of men, and of war itself. Hans’s story is the story of all the madness, irony and horror of the modern world—and the story of one man who finds redemption only when there’s nowhere left to run.

More about the author


Dan Blum grew up in Roslyn, Long Island, went to Brandeis University, and now resides outside Boston. He is the author of "Lisa33", published by Viking in 2003, and, "The Feet Say Run," published by Gabriel's Horn Press in 2016.

He also writes a widely read humor blog, "The Rotting Post," and has published shorter essays in Publisher's Weekly, Poets and Writers Magazine, and elsewhere.

My Review
The Feet Say Run is a book that pulls the reader in slowly with two different possibilities about the main character. I personally found the book rather confusing at first as I thought the book was going to be about one thing and it was actually about another. This is a story about a man who only really begins to face himself and who he is after he no longer has anywhere to run. The author made good use of figurative language and did a spectacular job in creating a plot line, setting, and main character that all flowed together nicely. I do wish that the book was a bit easier to understand from the start.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Success with Stress

Success With Stress by Jae EllardBook Details:

Book Title:   Success With Stress by Jae Ellard
Category:  Adult Non-Fiction, 102 pages
Genre:  Self-help
Publisher:  Simple Intentions
Release date:  March 31, 2011
Format available for review:  Print
Will send print books:  Internationally
Tour dates: April 10 to May 5, 2017
Content Rating: G (This is an all ages book designed to create awareness and manage stress)

Book Description:

Believe it or not, stress isn't all bad; in fact, it's an important part of the natural world. Stress helps us survive as a species - because of that we want the ability to be stressed. That said, being able to manage stress with greater success is the difference between surviving and THRIVING. Success with Stress explores five simple ideas to spark your personal power to change the level, duration, and frequency of the stress in your life. With workplace stress being linked to quality of life, health, and workplace morale, this is a must-read for any team looking to improve morale and individuals looking to improve their quality of life.
Buy the Book:  Amazon
Add to Goodreads
About the Author:

Jae Ellard is an author, speaker, and expert on developing the skill of awareness in the workplace. After years in senior communication roles crafting content for executives, Jae collapsed from stress-related adrenal fatigue. This life-altering experience propelled her to research human behavior, neuroscience, mindfulness, and organizational relationship systems. In 2008, Jae founded Simple Intentions and developed the Mindful Life™ Program to generate intentional conversations to disrupt patterns and create awareness, accountability and action at team and individual levels. Jae has taught the skill of awareness in more than 50 countries to thousands of employees at multinational corporations such as Microsoft, Amazon and Expedia.

Jae is a columnist on workplace awareness for Mindful Magazine, as well as the author of 7 books on the topic. She contributes to the Healthy Living section on Huffington Post as well as the Simple Intentions blog. In 2013, she founded Seattle Wisdom, a community organization working to create and support conscious conversations in professional spaces in the Pacific Northwest. Jae has a master’s degree in Communication Management from Colorado State University and a bachelor’s degree in Broadcast Communication from Metropolitan State College of Denver. She holds certificates in co-active coaching and organizational relationship systems coaching.

Connect with Jae:  Website ~ Twitter  ~  Facebook  ~ LinkedIn

My Review
One of the tings I truly loved about Success With Stress by Jae Ellard is the fact that the book was around one hundred pages. The length of the book was perfect for a few hours of reading and learning about stress. As a psychology student I found this book to be particularly interesting. I also found it very helpful because my class just began a unit on stress and I was able some of the information from this book in my forum postings. I liked the fact that the author focused on how to live with stress in order to have the best life a person can have. I found many of the ideas to be interesting enough that I plan to try and incorporate them into my own life.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Miracle Man

Inside the Book

Author: William Leibowitz
Publisher: Manifesto Media Group
Pages: 385
Genre: Thriller
                       REVERED     REVILED      REMARKABLE
The victim of an unspeakable crime, an infant rises to become a new type of superhero.  Unlike any that have come before him, he is not a fanciful creation of animators, he is real.
So begins the saga of Robert James Austin, the greatest genius in human history.  But where did his extraordinary intelligence come from?
As agents of corporate greed vie with rabid anti-Western radicals to destroy him, an obsessive government leader launches a bizarre covert mission to exploit his intellect.  Yet Austin’s greatest fear is not of this world.
Aided by two exceptional women, one of whom will become his unlikely lover, Austin struggles against abandonment and betrayal.  But the forces that oppose him are more powerful than even he can understand.
Miracle Man was named by Amazon as one of the Top 100 Novels of 2015, an Amazon Top 10 thriller, an Amazon bestseller and an Amazon NY Times bestseller.


Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Meet the Author

William LeibowitzWilliam Leibowitz has been practicing entertainment/media law in New York City for a number of years.  He has represented numerous renowned creative people and many leading intellectual property companies.  William has a Bachelor of Science degree from New York University (magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa) and a law degree from Columbia University.  He lives in the village of Quogue, New York with his wife, Alexandria, and dog, George.
William wrote Miracle Man because of its humanistic and spiritual messages and because he feels that in our current times–when meritless celebrity has eclipsed accomplishment and the only heroes are those based on comic books, the world needs a real hero–and that, of course, is Robert James Austin, the protagonist in Miracle Man.



My Review

Miracle Man was a well written and unique super hero book. For some reason Austin just seems like a real super hero and not just some child anime character. I loved how Austin's genius level intellect really helped him to be who he needed to be. The fact that he had two women by his side also made the book interesting to both male and female readers. While I did enjoy reading about all of the characters Austin was by far my favorite. I enjoyed the steady pace of the novel and I look forward to future books.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Mama says, ''Money Doesn't Grow on Trees!''

Mama Says, Money Doesn't Grow on Trees
Book Details:

Book Title:  Mama says, ''Money Doesn't Grow on Trees!''
Author:  Iris Marie Mack, PhD, EMBA
Category:  Middle-Grade Non-fiction,  48 pages
Genre:  Financial and Math Literacy
Publisher:  CreateSpace
Release date:  January 14, 2011
Tour dates:  April 17 - 28, 2017
Content Rating:  G

Book Description:

Globe Newswire reports that Dr. Iris Mack's mathematics edutainment book is "turning heads across the country in a response similar to the widely promoted 'Hooked on Phonics,' that improved children's reading skills." Her unique approach to math became one of Xlibris/Random House Publisher's top children's picture book royalty earners.

If there is one word that sums up our recent economic woes, it is interest. There’s interest on credit card balances, student loans, car loans, home mortgages, corporate borrowings and most prominently, on state and national debt. But there is surprisingly little interest in this interest. We all pay it. But not many of us really understand how it works. Dr. Iris Mack has filled the gap – and for young consumers.

Her financial literacy book “Mama Says Money Doesn't Grow on Trees!'' is focused on teaching students that math can be fun and key to understanding money and interest. In today’s world of subprime mortgage crises, bankruptcies, massive credit card debt and predatory lending, Dr. Mack's book is more relevant than ever. In “Mama Says Money Doesn't Grow on Trees!" a group of smart, animated characters explain how money and interest work, as young consumers are introduced to mathematics and financial literacy.
Professor Ø, Ms. Madonna Sorenson and Dr. Mackamatix lead students Al G Bro, Frakshun, Nada, Queen% and Material Girl Ma$ through a fun-filled math class all about how money and interest work in their everyday lives.

Learn more: MathQED TV

Praise for this book:

“I think the work you do showing how math can be beautiful and practical is great, keep it up!” says Javier Tordable, Senior Software Engineer at the Google Corporation.

“Making math fun and relevant is a real public service. Old fashioned, boring textbooks aren't the thing that will capture the imagination and engage our children in the fun and yes, joy, in math and problem solving. Iris Mack has created a group of characters and scenarios that will draw young people into the fold of knowledge.” says Karen Pritzker– Producer of The My Hero Project and Editor of The Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity website.

Buy the Book:  Amazon
Iris Marie Mack
Meet the Author:

Iris Marie Mack, PhD, EMBA, earned a doctorate in Applied Mathematics from Harvard University. She was also awarded a Sloan Fellowship Executive MBA from the London Business School. Dr. Mack worked at various energy and financial institutions, acted as a faculty member at MIT, and worked at NASA and AT&T Bell Labs – where she obtained a patent for research on optical fibers.

Dr. Mack currently lectures on Energy Trading and Risk Management for the Fitch Learning Certificate in Quantitative Finance Program on Wall Street and at Tulane University. Because of Dr. Mack's extensive knowledge of the derivatives, energy trading, and investment banking world, she has been invited to write opinion columns for the UK edition of the International Business Times.

Dr. Mack has also been named one of Glamour Magazine’s Top 10 Working Women, and she is no novice writer. This publishing will be her third financially-focused and published book – including her energy trading book published with Wiley Finance and a financial literacy book for teens and adults. With this breadth of experience and sheer intellectual prowess, Dr. Mack is more than able to help readers reach the financial stability they deserve.

In addition, Dr. Mack founded The Global Energy Post and MathQED - a homework help site for K-12 and college students. Previously known as Phat Math, this service has even been named one of the Top 50 Social Sites for Educators and Academics, 25 Savvy Social Media Sites for Grad Students and 25 Useful Networking Sites for Grad Students. Such accolades illustrate Dr. Mack’s ability to clearly inform the masses.

Connect with the Author:  Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook 

Thursday, April 20, 2017


Lola was an interesting book to read and one of the reasons I really enjoyed it was that it was something different and unique. It was also very much outside of my normal reading comfort zone so it was nice to expand my horizon's. The author's writin style was both well chosen and well done.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Yellow-billed Magpie

Yellow-billed Magpie by Nancy SchoellkopfBook Details:

Book Title:  Yellow-billed Magpie by Nancy Schoellkopf
Category:  Adult Fiction,  214 pages
Genre: Literary / Women's Fiction with magical realism
Publisher:   Butterfly Tree Publishing
Release date:  October 2015
Format available for review:  Print and ebook (PDF)
Will send print books to: USA & Canada
Tour dates: April 3 to 28, 2017
Content Rating: PG-13 (There are a few non-explicit sex scenes, and a bit of profanity.)

Book Description:

Unlike their black-billed cousins, yellow-billed magpies are rarely found outside California’s central valley. So when they begin showing up in Samantha O’Malley’s dreams, she wonders: are they calling me home?

Disappointed by failed fertility treatments and the break-up of her marriage, Samantha returns to her home town and slips into old habits, resuming her teaching career, even hooking up with an old lover. But she also renews her friendship with Craig, the school custodian she honors as her spiritual guide. The work they do together with Samantha’s special education students will lead her to discoveries she never thought possible.

Yellow-billed Magpie is a love story, a spiritual journey, a quest to look beyond appearances to the mystical rhythms that guide the human heart.

Buy the book:   Amazon  ~  Add to Goodreads
Nancy Schoellkopf
About the Author:

​Nancy Schoellkopf is the author of Yellow-billed Magpie, the first in her Easter Family series. Nancy has been telling stories and writing poems for many lifetimes. It goes without saying that she'd need a second income, so this time around she has happily taught amazing children in special education classes in two urban school districts in Sacramento, California. A full time writer now, she enjoys lavishing attention on her cats, her garden, and her intriguing circle of family and friends.

​Connect with the author:    Website  ~   Twitter  ~   Facebook

My Review

So I actually got a little confused and ended up reading Red-tailed Hawk by Nancy Schoellkopf and Yellow-billed Magpie by Nancy Schoellkopf second. Thankfully both books can be read as stand alone novels so I did not end up confused.

Samantha O’Malley was a character that I found very easy to understand and I felt like I had a connection with her though her special education students. I have some experience working with special education students so I felt like I could really understand her. 

The author Nancy Schoellkopf  truly did a spectacular job in creating a story with a bit of magic throw in that still seems realistic. There were no glaring plot holes or areas that left me confused. Instead I felt like the book was written in a fun easy going manner that left me hoping for future books in the series.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Title: THE INVESTMENT CLUB Author: Doug Cooper

Author: Doug Cooper
Publisher: Rare Bird Books
Pages: 362
Genre: Literary/Upmarket Fiction
Forty million people visit Vegas every year but most never get past the strip. What about the people who live there? What brought them there? What keeps them there?
Told from the perspective of a seasoned blackjack dealer, The Investment Club tells the stories of a self-destructive, dwarf entrepreneur, a drug-addicted musical performer-turned-stripper, a retired, widowed New Jersey policeman, a bereaved, divorced female sportscaster, and a card-counting, former Catholic priest before and after their fateful meeting at the El Cortez Casino in downtown Vegas.
As the five learn the greatest return comes from investing in one another, their lives stabilize and take on new, positive directions. But their love and support for each other can take them only so far before they must determine the meaning and value of their own lives.


Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Doug Cooper
Doug Cooper is the author of the award-winning novel Outside In and The Investment Club available October 2016. He has a BS in Mathematics Education from Miami University and a MA in American Studies from Saint Louis University. Always searching, he has traveled to over twenty countries on five continents, exploring the contradictions between what we believe and how we act in the pursuit of truth, beauty, and love. Originally from Port Clinton, Ohio, he has also called Cleveland, St. Louis, Detroit, New York, and Oslo, Norway home. He now lives in Cleveland working on his third novel Focus Lost.



My Review
The Investment Club by Doug Cooper was a well written fiction novel. I personally found that I greatly enjoyed Dough Cooper's style of writing. He wrote the book with the perfect voice to draw a read in with questions like why do people visit Vegas and what brings them there, and what keeps them there. Overall, I found the book to be very different from other works of fiction that I have enjoyed because it seemed like parts of it were real and could answer real questions. The decision on the perspective of writing was genius as having the blackjack dealer as the main perspective really gave a full over view of many different events. My only regret is that the book did not have a very fast pace, but it made up for that with how it pulled me in.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Tranquility: A Prayer and Reflection Coloring Journal

About the Book: Tranquility: A Prayer and Reflection Coloring Journal invites you to mix creative journaling and coloring into your personal time with God. Prayers that focus on topics such as being thankful, dealing with stress and heartache, caring for yourself and others, listening for God’s leading, and waiting patiently on Him will guide your thoughts and calm your spirit. Filled with more than 100 designs to color, plenty of space for journaling, and 40 needs-based prayers, Tranquility will help you express your devotion to God with your whole heart.

Some of the topics included are:  Born to be Loved, Worship, the image of God, rejoicing, miracles, etc.  I like that these pages are not dated; this allows you the flexibility to use them in whatever order you like, however frequently or infrequently they suit you.  Each topic has a title, a prayer, a Bible verse, and lines to write your own thoughts.  This gives the individual person enough choices to tailor it to her specific need.

My Review
Tranquility: A Prayer and Reflection Coloring Journal is a great coloring journal. It really helps one to calm down and organize one's thought in a calm and peaceful manner. I particularly like how interactive it was. Each page was both new, different, and unique. I liked how I felt calmer after using the journal and the coloring was an enjoyable experience.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Thank You, God, for Grandma By Amy Parker

30649459Thank You, God, for Grandmas,Nanas and Mimis too,Gigis and Grams and Grandmommies—They’re great, grand gifts from You!

No matter what you call her, there is nothing like the love between a grandma and her grandchild! With sweet, rhyming text and adorable illustrations, Thank You, God, for Grandma encourages little ones to treasure God’s special gift of grandmothers.

Grandmas and their grandchildren alike will love this heartwarming story that celebrates their precious relationship.

Amy Parker’s children’s books have sold more than 800,000 copies, including two Christian Retailing’s Best award-winning books and the bestselling A Night Night Prayer. She lives outside Nashville with her husband and two children.

My Review

Thank You, God, for Grandma By Amy Parker is a very cute children's book that does a wonderful job in showing children that a grandmother is truly a gift from God. The pictures are very very cute and they are all well drawn. Young children will love having this book read to them and older children will enjoy reading it themselves. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Assata Shakur: A 20th Century Escaped Slave by Barbara Casey

On May 2, 2013, the FBI added her to the Most Wanted Terrorist List, the first woman to be listed. Assata Shakur: A 20th Century Escaped Slave is the story of Assata Shakur, before she became a fugitive and since.
Assata Shakur: A 20th Century Escaped Slave by Barbara Casey
Book Details:

Book Title:   Assata Shakur: A 20th Century Escaped Slave by Barbara Casey
Category:  Adult Non-Fiction, 210 pages
Genre:  Biography/True Crime
Publisher:  Strategic Media Books
Release date:  February 15, 2017
Format available for review:  Print, ebook (gifted Kindle and PDF)
Will send print books:  Internationally
Tour dates: April 10 to 28, 2017
Content Rating: PG-13 (There is occasional use of bad language and it deals with crime including killings.)

Book Description:

In May 1973, Assata Olugbala Shakur was involved in a shootout on the New Jersey Turnpike in which she was accused of killing New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster and assaulting Trooper James Harper. This resulted in her indictment of first-degree murder of Foerster and seven other felonies related to the shootout. A member of the Black Panther Party, she became a prime target of the Federal Bureau of Investigations Counterintelligence Program. When she joined the Black Liberation Army and went into hiding, between 1973 and 1977, she was placed on the FBI's Most Wanted List for three bank robberies, the kidnapping and murder of two drug dealers, and the attempted murder of two New Jersey police officers.

In March 1977 Assata Shakur was convicted of murdering state trooper Werner Forrester and was imprisoned. Two years later she broke out of the maximum-security wing of Clinton Correctional Facility in New Jersey, pistol in hand, as she and three cohorts sped out of the prison grounds. In 1984 she was granted political asylum in Cuba where she has lived ever since. On May 2, 2013, the FBI added her to the Most Wanted Terrorist List, the first woman to be listed. Assata Shakur: A 20th Century Escaped Slave is the story of Assata Shakur, before she became a fugitive and since.

Buy the book:  
Amazon  ~  Barnes & Noble  ~ Books-A-Million


My Review
Assata Shakur: A 20th Century Escaped Slave by Barbara Casey was a well written adult non-fiction book that followed the life of Assata Olugbala Shakur. I personally liked the fact that the book was about Assata Olugbala Shakur both before and after she became a fugitive. I found it interesting to learn about the very first woman to be added to the FBI's Most Wanted List. I found it difficult not to sympathize with her as I was reading about her life and coming to understand her both as a person and as a fugitive. Her choices might not have always been right, but her life did make for an interesting book.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Energy Trading and Risk Management

Book Description:

Image result for energy trading and risk management by iris marieA comprehensive overview of trading and risk management in the energy markets

Energy Trading and Risk Management provides a comprehensive overview of global energy markets from one of the foremost authorities on energy derivatives and quantitative finance. With an approachable writing style, Iris Mack breaks down the three primary applications for energy derivatives markets – Risk Management, Speculation, and Investment Portfolio Diversification – in a way that hedge fund traders, consultants, and energy market participants can apply in their day to day trading activities.

  • Moving from the fundamentals of energy markets through simple and complex derivatives trading, hedging strategies, and industry-specific case studies, Dr. Mack walks readers through energy trading and risk management concepts at an instructive pace, supporting her explanations with real-world examples, illustrations, charts, and precise definitions of important and often-misunderstood terms.
  • From stochastic pricing models for exotic derivatives, to modern portfolio theory (MPT), energy portfolio management (EPM), to case studies dealing specifically with risk management challenges unique to wind and hydro-electric power, the bookguides readers through the complex world of energy trading and risk management to help investors, executives, and energy professionals ensure profitability and optimal risk mitigation in every market climate.
Energy Trading and Risk Management is a great resource to help grapple with the very interesting but oftentimes complex issues that arise in energy trading and risk management.

Buy the Book:   Amazon  ~  Barnes & Noble  

Author's Bio:

Iris Marie Mack, PhD, EMBA, earned a doctorate in Applied Mathematics from Harvard University. She was also awarded a Sloan Fellowship Executive MBA from the London Business School. Dr. Mack worked at various energy and financial institutions, acted as a faculty member at MIT, and worked at NASA and AT&T Bell Labs – where she obtained a patent for research on optical fibers.
Dr. Iris Marie Mack PhD
Dr. Mack currently lectures on Energy Trading and Risk Management for the Fitch Learning Certificate in Quantitative Finance Program on Wall Street and at Tulane University. Because of Dr. Mack's extensive knowledge of the derivatives, energy trading, and investment banking world, she has been invited to write opinion columns for the UK edition of the International Business Times.

Dr. Mack has also been named one of Glamour Magazine’s Top 10 Working Women, and she is no novice writer. This publishing will be her third financially-focused and published book – including her energy trading book published with Wiley Finance and a financial literacy book for teens and adults. With this breadth of experience and sheer intellectual prowess, Dr. Mack is more than able to help readers reach the financial stability they deserve.

In addition, Dr. Mack founded The Global Energy Post and MathQED - a homework help site for K-12 and college students. Previously known as Phat Math, this service has even been named one of the Top 50 Social Sites for Educators and Academics, 25 Savvy Social Media Sites for Grad Students and 25 Useful Networking Sites for Grad Students. Such accolades illustrate Dr. Mack’s ability to clearly inform the masses.

Connect with the Author:  Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook