Saturday, September 26, 2015

Write What You Know by Debra Kristi

When people ask me how I write like I do, the answer comes down to those four words you’ve probably heard before -“Write what you know.” And no, I don’t have any experience hearing animals talk to me, but I do have a vivid imagination.  Writing what you know is one of those things that is often misunderstood, especially when a writer  is  first  starting  out.  When  you  stop  and  think  about  it,  if  it  were  taken  literally  the bookshelves would be filled with biographies. There’d be noDracula or Frankenstein. I don’t know about you, but that’s not a world I particularly want to live in.  Writing what you know is about those things we can all relate to. The emotion you felt when you experienced your first kiss, when you discovered your boyfriend was cheating on you, or when someone close to you died. It’s pure, raw emotion brought to the page and the characters.  But writing what you know also goes beyond the emotions.How many of you have warmed your hand by a bonfire, felt the nip of the blaze? Writing what you know encompasses touch, too. The dew in the fog, the bite of ice, and the tingle of the sun warming your skin.  It’s relationships between people―lovers, strangers, co-workers, and enemies.  You don’t need to be an immortal or magical being to know how these things make you feel. Pull from your everyday life, add your fantastical twist, and Shazam, you have yourself a story written from experience.  ~ I want to thank you for having me here and allowing me to take up a bit of your blog space. I had so much fun writing this book and I appreciate the opportunity to share. Thanks to the readers and fans, because you are the most important part of being a writer―seriously. May you all have a truly magical week.

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